"DeltaHedron® is a company with an engineering soul, an innovation mindset and a business outlook"
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DeltaHedron is a business consulting firm specialising in the management of technological innovation, with a focus on the impact, opportunities and risks presented by emerging technologies and the dynamics of technological change. DeltaHedron's mission is to support our clients to identify, assess and manage the impact and strategic business opportunities, risks and threats presented by technological change and emerging technologies, and to develop and implement innovation strategies which will enhance their competitive advantage.
Each of our clients has a unique vision, strategy and competences as well as opportunities and risks presented by the dynamics of technological change and emerging technologies. DeltaHedron applies its core expertise, working with its associates, to offer a range of consultancy services and products to support our clients’ specific current and future requirements.
DeltaHedron is a UK-based business consulting firm with a global reach. We draw on the expertise and experience of a world-wide network of associates in fields which include the management of technological innovation, risk assessment, engineering, computer science and organisational development.
The company's business offices are located in the Centre for Digital Innovation (C4DI) in Hull in the United Kingdom - a vibrant private technology business incubator with a focus on innovation.
DeltaHedron Ltd is incorporated as a private limited company in England and Wales.
Company Number 1053281
Company business address: DeltaHedron Ltd, C4DI, 31-38 Queen Street, Hull, HU1 1UU, United Kingdom
Registered address: 31-38 Queen Street, Hull, HU1 1UU, United Kingdom
DeltaHedron® and its logo are registered trademarks of DeltaHedron Ltd