DeltaHedron recognises that each of our clients has a unique vision, strategy and competences.
DeltaHedron applies its core expertise to deliver a custom-adapted blend of consultancy services and products to support our clients’ current and future needs. The focus is on the client’s specific requirements and challenges regarding the management of technological innovation and the strategic business opportunities and risks presented by emerging technologies and the dynamics of technological change.
DeltaHedron has a global reach and draws on a world-wide network of associates with expertise and experience to complement its own.
“….it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that”
The Red Queen
Through the Looking-Glass
Lewis Carroll

Consultancy services and outcomes
DeltaHedron applies its core expertise to offer a range of consultancy services and products which support our clients’ current and future requirements. DeltaHedron delivers its consultancy services and decision support as well as workshops, seminars, executive education and training to its clients through a combination of its own core expertise areas described above, complemented by the expertise of its global network and tailored to a client’s specific requirements.
DeltaHedron Innovation Insight is a series of regular newsletters. They explore aspects of the technological future and the management of technological innovation, with a specific focus on the impact, strategic business opportunities, risks and threats presented by emerging technologies and the dynamics of technological change. The newsletters are published on DeltaHedron's website.
DeltaHedron can also work with its clients to produce thought leadership publications on their behalf, aimed at their customers and wider audiences.
Consultancy and decision support
♦ Strategic business impact, opportunities and risks posed by emerging technologies and the dynamics of technological change
Where are we, and what are our opportunities and risks?
DeltaHedron's Executive Innovation Insight is a personalised technology intelligence support service for executives, business leaders, senior decision-makers and board members. This provides you with regular updates on trends in emerging technologies which can impact on your company and present strategic opportunities and risks. Regular strategic dialogue discussions with a DeltaHedron consult provides the opportunity to discuss impact and options.
DeltaHedron can also undertake client-specific in-depth analysis and assessment of specific areas of interest to the client as part of its consultancy and advisory services.
DeltaHedron can support its clients with bespoke technology opportunity/risk assessments and audits, designed to determine their strategic fit, potential and technology readiness to exploit new opportunities, as well as their vulnerability to strategic threats presented by emerging technologies.
DeltaHedron can provide its clients with a range of competitive technological intelligence services and products.
♦ Developing and implementing technological innovation strategies
What do we do about it?
DeltaHedron can work with clients to develop and implement bespoke corporate innovation strategies and integrate these with their corporate strategies; as well as innovation strategies for specific products and processes.
♦ Decision support for boards, audit committees and senior management
Can we improve the quality of decision-making?
One of DeltaHedron's specific focus areas is advisory support for clients’ boards and bespoke advice to Chief Executives and senior management who have a requirement to better understand the impact, opportunities and their exposure to the strategic business risks presented by specific emerging technologies.
Corporate governance structures, specifically company boards and audit committees, and senior executive management have a need to understand the changing technological landscape and technologies which can impact their company as well as those of their customers, partners and competitors.
♦ Digital transformation
Are we ready to compete in the digital world ?
DeltaHedron can support clients with the development and implementation of digital transformation strategies, within a context of broader innovation strategy and management.
- Developing the case for impact, competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency of digital transformation.
- Organisational structure and culture transformation; future skills requirements and implementation support
- Digital transformation and IT strategy in higher education, including enterprise systems, educational technology, virtual and cyber campuses and mobile applications.
♦ Change leadership and management
How do we ensure the company is ready for this ?
DeltaHedron can work with clients to assess the nature of the organisational culture with regard to the adoption and use of technology, and to develop and implement optimised organisational structures and transformation processes. We can support clients to assess the organisational and other business changes required to facilitate successful implementation of the innovation strategy, including future skills requirements.
DeltaHedron can support clients to better understand the adoption characteristics of the technology-based products in markets and to develop effective diffusion strategies.
- Facilitating the adoption and diffusion of technology and innovations.
- Developing organisational transformation, assessment of changes in the nature of future skills requirements and new business models.
- Implementation support.
Technology transfer and industry-university interaction
DeltaHedron can support clients in industry and the higher education sector with the facilitation of industry-university interaction and technology transfer as well as the enhancement of entrepreneurship development initiatives.
- Technological entrepreneurship development, including business and technology incubators, innovation labs and science/techno parks.
- Research and development (R&D), and enterprise support.
- Intellectual property exploitation strategies.
Decision support and policy development for national, regional and local government and the public sector
DeltaHedron can support clients in national, regional and local governments and the public sector with policy advice, specifically pertaining to the development innovation policies and strategies within the context of national, regional and local innovation systems.
- Development of national and regional innovation policies and strategies, and support with economic regeneration strategies.
- Rendering of science, technology and innovation advice to local, regional and national government and the public sector.
- Enhancement of competitiveness.
Workshops, keynote addresses, seminars, executive education and training
DeltaHedron can present workshops, seminars, keynote addresses as well as executive education and in-house training modules in the areas of its core expertise. These are tailored to focus on a client’s specific requirements, opportunities, risks and technological base, while at the same time covering a broader spectrum of emerging technologies which can impact on the client’s company and industry.
Typical topics can include one or a combination of:
- Future-visioning, horizon scanning and foresight, and anticipating an actionable technological future.
- Analysis of emerging technologies and their impact, strategic opportunities, risks and threats.
- Managing the dynamics of technological change for competitive advantage.
- Innovation strategy and innovation-driven organisational change.
- Competitive technological intelligence.
- National and regional innovation policies and provision of science advice to government.