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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Small and medium enterprises are well positioned to pursue the business opportunities presented by emerging technologies. At the same time, they are also exposed to strategic business risks presented by emerging technologies and technological change. However, they often do not have the internal resources or expertise to identify the opportunities and to assess and manage the risks and threats. SMEs are usually very aware of technological developments closely associated with their own technological competencies, but often lack resources to continuously scan the wider technological landscape. Hence, they may miss opportunities presented by emerging technologies coming from other sectors. This exacerbates the risks, since disruptive technologies often come from very different industries than the ones which they disrupt.
- DeltaHedron can provide the expertise and services to SMEs for which they do not have the internal expertise or resource. This includes regular updates on the evolving technological landscape and emerging technologies as well as occasional bespoke in-depth reports on specific topics of interest. As in the case of larger companies, DeltaHedron can also support clients with the identification of the strategic business opportunities and risks presented by emerging technologies, developing innovation strategies and digital transformation to address these, as well as with organisational change and transformation.
- SMEs can benefit from the government’s R&D tax credit scheme. DeltaHedron can support clients with the preparation of tax credit claims by assisting them with the articulation of their technological R&D activities to indicate how these adhere to the criteria for tax credits. In some cases, DeltaHedron consulting fees with regard to the development of R&D and innovation strategies may also qualify for R&D tax credits.
- DeltaHedron can support SMEs to benefit from engagement with universities and other higher educational institutions, as well as by providing consultancy with regard to business and technology incubators and innovation labs.